☸ Tantric Buddhism in the Modern World | Interview with Lama Glenn Mullin


I enjoyed his humor, practicality and generosity :heart_eyes: refreshing :dolphin: so true that the teachings are infinite and our human condition so short… that’s why synchronicities help a bit… along with intuition :fire:

“looking inside… who am I?” :heart_eyes:
“blending joy into everything we do”… what a delight :dolphin:
“seeing beyond the appearances - FROM BODY INTO LIGHT…” :ok_hand:t3: :feather:
“ELECTRIC WONDERLAND” is such a happy expression! :heart_eyes:

Here’s another gem from Tulku Lobsang Rinpoche, and “the power of your self” explained in a very simple and precise way, with a special emphasis in the modern world, perhaps for beginners. I LOVE the way it ends… “we just need to give our best, and accept what we are”: