šŸ Animal Communication

I LOVE this man and found out another very interesting video from him:


bravooooooo! :star_struck:

"Buffalo/Bison symbolizes prayer, manifestation, and abundance. Buffaloā€™s medicine includes creativity, feminine courage, abundance, knowledge, generosity, hospitality, sharing work, protection, strength, challenge, survival, and giving for the greater good. In Lakota Native American spirituality, Tatanka, the Buffalo, is seen as a living prayer and manifestation of the wisdom and generosity of Wakan Tanka (Great Mystery). Buffalo shows us the importance of prayer and gratitude for all we have. An ā€œattitude of gratitudeā€ in all things opens our heart and helps connect us to our core values and purpose for being here.

Buffalo teaches us to foster a reciprocal relationship of meaning to the Earth."
more here:


@BlessingsDeers Great mind thinks alike, I was going to post that video next :slightly_smiling_face:

LOVED this:

" Buffalo/Bison symbolizes prayer, manifestation, and abundance. Buffaloā€™s medicine includes creativity, feminine courage, abundance, knowledge, generosity, hospitality, sharing work, protection, strength, challenge, survival, and giving for the greater good. In Lakota Native American spirituality, Tatanka, the Buffalo, is seen as a living prayer and manifestation of the wisdom and generosity of Wakan Tanka (Great Mystery). Buffalo shows us the importance of prayer and gratitude for all we have. An ā€œattitude of gratitudeā€ in all things opens our heart and helps connect us to our core values and purpose for being here.

Buffalo teaches us to foster a reciprocal relationship of meaning to the Earth. Take time to honor and respect the reciprocal cycle of give and take, for Mother Earth provides everything we need to live and flourish. Express your gratitude through prayer and offerings. Give thanks also for the things you are praying for. Giving thanks before needs are met is a way of making space to receive them. Expressing gratitude for something before it actually appears in your life develops trust and confidence in your ability to create. To manifest abundance through prayer, you must eliminate all doubt, detach yourself from the outcome, and trust in the creative power of the universe to provide what is needed. To connect with Buffalo, listen to my recording of the ā€œBuffalo Chant.ā€"

My experience with them has been only with a chain link fence in between us, so not 100% organic, but I really did not want a horn in my organs. I was able to put my face next to the Alpha female, and breath into her nostrils, for what seemed like an eternity, but was prob only 2-3min. This is how they say hello.


Watch the part with him and the Hyeena:


I think what you did was more impressive with the horse (assuming he was completely wild). This guy has a huge advantage in that he has been with these animals since their birth or youth. I dont think he would be able to do these same things with wild lions. Wild animals in my experience are far harder to connect to. This is why I tagged you in that Movie clip with the horse, was really impressed how they ā€˜bowedā€™ to and were 'bewitched 'by your energy.


I was at the gym today and this was playing on the tv. Was never big on the movies, but read the first 3 books a few years after they were published. Is the clip fantasy, or speaking to a secret truth?

A similar theme occurs in GOT:

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Dearest @BlessingsDeers

Tonight a few hours before a big thunderstorm hit, I decided to make a small bon fire. I went to a nearby park and with a flashlight gathered fallen branches and sticks (knocked down to the ground from the heavy winds we had the past 2 days). As I shined my light on the ground, I was shocked to see it reflected off the glistening/gleaming bodies of earth worms (snake skin does something similar when you shine a flashlight on them in the dark).

Sticking half their bodies out of the ground, like a hermit crab, when I got close to pick up the sticks, they darted back into the earth. Almost every stick I picked up I would see a worm or 2. The last full moon we had was the Worm moon. It was so cool to see the ground alive, even though the rain had not hit yet and wouldnt for another two hours. The worms KNEW the storm was coming, and were surfacing so they would not drown underground when it got saturated with rain. This was really fascinating to see, how beings with very limited sense organs, knew danger was in the air. :open_mouth: :star_struck: :open_mouth:


Kiplings masterpiece:


they sense everything. more than most humans knowā€¦
it was an honor for you to witness that!
congrats and may all these worms bless us with sweet abundance :heart_eyes: :rose:


Loved that version of The Jungle Book!


Ohhhh, how very sweeet! I will never get tired of watching this kind of movies! :smiling_face_with_tear: Always heart melting! :heart_eyes:


I hate to say it, but I think the movie was better than the book. Very rare for this to be the case.

Yeah Disney hit a home run with this one.

Yeah it really was and honor, I always feel so blessed when mother nature shares her secrets with me. :heart_eyes: :star_struck: :heart_eyes:

So cool to see the trees budding and filling with potential energy These past few weeks, you know underground the earth is teaming with life.


watched this video and though of you @NightHawk999 because I think you will enjoy it all:

after minute 22, thereā€™s golden information about animal communication :heart_eyes:
something in me shifted with the example of the walesā€¦ @Bianca_Aga I think you will enjoy this video too :star_struck:


Thank you so much for this treasure, really loved it, so many wisdom gems.

His skeptiscm that turned into a major paradigm shift really hit home.

If you had told me 10 years ago this was possible, I would have wrote it off as schizophrenic babble. But after having some truely mindblowing experiences with animals, and hearing this truth from many spirtual masters, I am 100% a believer.

Andrew also talks about people mixing minds all the time in the video #14 you recently watched (in the second half of it). Why would we not be mixing mind with all other sentient beings as well???

I am going to borrow this video for the sacred teaching thread. Thank you my friend. :star_struck: :star_struck: :star_struck:



For the record one of the smartest minds in the field agrees with you on the ā€˜Subjectā€™ of AI consciousness.

My counter to him thought would be his statements on the infinite pervasiveness of the Non Local Realm and Consciousness, seem to strongly contradict this claim.

When you pull the plug on AI, is it like deep dreamless sleep for humans?

Morphic Resonance theory I think also supports primative consciousnesses in non living materials.

@BlessingsDeers I think he used great tact ( :libra:) to tailor his discourse to the sceintific and materialistic communities in terms of animal communication. He even says in the video he has to walk on egg shells when discussing these topics. Based off of many of his statements I beleive he thinks there is more going on on an energetic level and within the non local realm , with Animal Communication, than meets the eyse. He talks about it in more deatil in his book The Spontaneous Fullfillment of desire, and one of the examples he gives is Starlings:

My favorite Starling:

ā€œdont you feel eyes mvoing over your bodyā€:



I thought of you a few days ago when I had this insight:

This video illustrates the point better:

ā€œAmber waves of grainā€ is a line in a patriotic song here in the states:

Watching deer jump and hop through the tall grass, is so beautiful and magestic,
reminds me very much of a Dolphins jumping in and out of the water:




"Looking Begets

Looking, psychologically, brings about the activation of the object; it is as if something were emanating from oneā€™s spiritual eye that evokes or activates the object of oneā€™s vision. The English verb ā€˜to look atā€™ does not convey this meaning, but the German betrachten, which is an equivalent, means also to make pregnantā€¦And if it is pregnant, then something is due to come out of it; it is alive, it produces, it multiplies. That is the case with any fantasy image; one concentrates upon it, and then finds that one has great difficulty in keeping the thing quiet, it gets restless, it shifts, something is added, or it multiplies itself: one fills it with living power and it becomes pregnant."

  • C.G. Jung, ā€œInterpretation of Visionsā€ (1932). Privately mimeographed seminar notes of Mary Foote.

I saw two dogs in the forest two weeks ago doing thisā€¦ itā€™s such a graceful moveā€¦ I LOVE itā€¦

I feel Iā€™m getting a taste of America in the connection with youā€¦ through this video, through your expressions, through some music you shareā€¦ thank you ā€œdeerā€ :rose:

yesā€¦ :heart_eyes:

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I am so glad you posted this, this gem is definitely going into the treasure chest as well.

Ebergy Flows to where Attention goesā€¦


I hope the taste is a pleasant one, Lol, we are a unique country of 50 combined ā€˜countriesā€™, a big melting pot of ideas and expressions. Many Europeans consider us the wild WEST :cowboy_hat_face:


@BlessingsDeers hope you enjoy


OMGā€¦ LOVED ITā€¦ true loveā€¦

indeed beloved.

it is what it is.

I have visited some parts of the USAā€¦ loved them allā€¦ but never had had so much contact with folks form there, like here at NCCā€¦ about the country what was touching deeply was that it was SO BIGā€¦ and wide and spaciousā€¦ The only country where I also felt it was near SĆ£o Paulo e Brazil on my way to Santosā€¦

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