Friend’s son is named Hanuman . . . .
I also have a friend who adopted this name - many years ago…
At the moment, Mars is full on, in Aries. The amazing thing is that, last year in April, there was a Sun Eclipse in the last degree of Aries…
This means that all the work in that time (April 2023) is now giving fruits!..
my neice celebrated this, I did not
Powerful time for sure, tough to summarize this energy in one word, but I think ‘Drive’ does it justice, a good time to hit the accelerator on any goals or projects,
"The entire universe is flowing through your body.
EARTH in the food we eat.
WATER in what we drink.
FIRE from the Sun, Moon, & Stars
And in the AIR that we breathe.
But many people just notice the material side"
Lama Glenn Mullin
"The NEW MOON occurs on Tuesday, May 7th, 2024, at 11:22 PM EDT.
Late Tuesday, a New Moon occurs in the Fixed Earth sign, Taurus.
The New Moon in Taurus heralds the start of a fresh cycle. As the Aries New Moon cycle concludes, the Taurus New Moon cycle commences, bringing with it a unique set of energies and opportunities.
The New Moon in Taurus invites us to commit to personal goals that align with the positive energies of the Bull. It’s a time to relish life’s simple and physical pleasures, to indulge in good food, and to engage in activities that reconnect us with nature and our bodies. It’s a time to pause, appreciate the beauty around us, and become more aware of what brings us comfort and security.
This cycle presents a transformative opportunity to reassess our relationship with money and possessions. It’s a time to delve deeper, to understand what truly brings us joy and fulfillment. It’s a journey of self-discovery and personal growth, offering a chance to redefine our values and priorities.
This New Moon aligns with Uranus and harmonizes with Saturn. We’re listening to our needs for change and innovation, but we’re respecting the process, the need for patience, and what’s worked for us in the past.
With this potent Taurus energy, we have the chance to make important changes in our lives. It’s time to make some solid and realistic plans and to set the stage for reaping the rewards from our new beginnings, as little or big as they may be, in approximately two weeks after the Full Moon occurs."
Today I planted this tree in this powerful energy of the new moon in Taurus.
It’s an Olaia tree, also known as the “Love Tree”, given to me by a couple friend with this intention.
Yes, this is the Moon phase for new beginnings, projects, rebirth in many aspects of our lives. In Taurus the energy is stable and persistent. An auspicious time to inaugurate a period of consistent, broad, fertile changes, with great optimism!
Happy New Moon and good planting of intentions.
Why do they call it Love Tree?
A good healthy wholesome meal can go a long way in this time period. This is a very Sensual moon. Good music, good food, good art go a long way.
On the business end this is a great time for spring cleaning, organizing, handling personal finances, and working hard.
I don’t know… I found this on the net when they gave it to me because I know there’s a tradition of giving herbs and trees a meaning, due to their strong spirit.
Found this in Portuguese:
translated the first paragraph:
"When most of the deciduous trees are still bare, the olaia livens up the winter days with the intense pink of its flowers. It is not the flowers, however, that give this species of great ornamental value its nickname “tree of love”.
and then the part that explains about it:
“What gives it the epithet “tree of love” are its leaves, whose shape resembles a heart.”
didn’t know this… thank you for the question
Great time to lite a candle at the alter of Venus.
The leaves look sensual to the touch, soft and smooth.
Venus is “definitely in the house”! hihihi…
I would say that for those who have been working hard in the last years… this is a rewards time… the work might continue ot be “hard” but in a very smooth and Venus way - very fluid and beautiful.
I am also factoring in the Current Mars placement.
You are right about this feminine aspect of Venus.
But the masculine aspect of taurus would be things tied to money and possessions, and work.
Mr. Wonderful is one of my favorite
Bazzi - Paradise
this is more about Mars in Aries I think… in the 5th house
take care beloved and enjoy
Catlike reflexes
Mars in Areies will affect all 3 fire signs, especially
pristine precision
I would say it will affect all signs… because all Aries are connecting with all the other signs
Damn youre good
Positively for the fire signs.
Not so good for or
Not the most positive for water signs, minus Scorpio, whom I think will be energized by this Mars placement is a mostly good way. may be a little agitating.