☀ Astrology & (Astronomy)

Amitabha Buddha . . . .


Thank you! Sorry I’ve been MIA. Dog got sick (he’s doing better no need to worry) and got busy at work. I did have a good birthday though, thank you! Haven’t seen any shooting stars, I think it’s too bright at night here for those.


The light pollution is terrible by me, but I saw half a dozen these past 2 weeks. The fireballs still are visible and really spectacular, I saw one 2 nights ago, even in bad light pollution or the moon light they still pop and will make your jaw drop.

Mark your calendar for next year too, you wont be disappointed.

Glad to hear you had a good birthday and your dog is doing better. What breed? Have you tried any of the animal communication techniques with pooch? :green_heart:

lol, crazy synch with your post, I dont dream of members often, but I dreamed of you last night posting in a new thread about Funny Dreams, and then I was underwater in the ocean trying to remember funny dreams I have had in the past, completely oblivious to the fact I was breathing underwater :rofl: :joy: :upside_down_face:

I also dream of @BlessingsDeers a few days ago, the night before she came back to the forums. I was on a boat in the ocean and heading towards an steep coast to see her.


:dolphin: :dolphin: :dolphin:

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AMAZING!.. :dolphin:

this is also AMAZING! :sun_with_face: your premonitory abilities are incredible!
yesterday, I decided to go back to having a notebook just for lucid dreams, so that I can have a better idea of “series of dreams”. This has just given me the inspiration to suggest you to have a notebook just for premonitions - dreams and in daytime. In this way perhaps you can work better with the information, and your unique way of downloading that information.
yesterday I was reading this paper:

DreamsasTimeTravel-ExploringParallelRealitiesthroughSubconsciousJourneys.pdf (586.0 KB)

Even thought I highly suspect the author did it with the help from AI, I think you might like it.


Loved it!

No doubt we can get glimpses of the past or future in dreams

Is time travbel possible?

For sure.

However, the evidence is not in for the physical body, but for the Heart/Mind, I think it is 100% possible to eject consciousness far into the past or future. Its my understanding that Buddhas have one ‘foot’ in the past, present and future at all times…



In the Preparing to Die Zoom tonight Andrew had a lot to say about astrology and that meeting (and recording) is intended for the P2D cohort, which is a separate program and not available on NC. However, If you are interested in his thoughts about astrology you should ask him during one of the book club meetings, or submit the question in advance from the announcement page. I loved his take and I think you will too.


if you have experience in astrology, you can see when you will die in your astrological chart :heart_eyes:

Today is the last day of Mercury being retrograde.

Yehaaaaay! It was a STRONG one!

This inspires me to make a Celebration suggestion.

This meditation came through our beloved lighthouse @kalabasis

And I would also call this meditation

The LightHouse Meditation

It’s from epic Delson Armstrong, and it reaches deep levels of cleansing. Even of what I would call Ghost Busting , which in this case, is a delightful Ghost Loving.

Recommendation: doing it in your home, on the upper level, or even on the roof (if you have access to it, why not?), and allow all your light, magic and love to spread into the multiverse.




Um, no, but I’ll take your word for it!



check this out @_Barry , @mbready & @Kalabasis