I’m going to make things weird!!!
Let go of all attachments, surrender to the journey, and follow the path the universe leads you on.
In existence there are no secrets. Those who hold onto their own thoughts believing there is any semblance of privacy are in for a rude awakening. This is not proven fact, simply my ‘private’ truth. “I am an open book”
To me this is an important step forward .
I have a personal question for you Mathew, you mentioned going to a psychiatric place - what do you do there? Is it your mother? What is going on?
"I’m an open book. I had a psychological break approximately four years ago that resulted in three trips to a psychiatric ward.
This journey began when I started experiencing profound synchronicities everywhere. I began sharing my belief with those around me about how unreal the world seemed to be, and I didn’t understand how they couldn’t see it.
The event that led me to the psychiatric ward was the culmination of this belief. I gave up everything, handed in my two weeks notice at work, bought a lottery ticket at the gas station, and then packed a backpack the reason I mention the lottery ticket is because I won 840 dollars on it. Try to win 840 on the powerball and you will understand how rare of an event this is). After getting home I told my wife I planned to use my credit card to get to Europe and I was off to find my own way guided by synchronicities.
Additionally, at the time, I believed I had Anubis’s spirit within me, often expressing this loudly as him.
This decision didn’t sit well with my mother and wife, and it lead to my immediate admission to a psychiatric ward.
Upon arrival at the psychiatric ward, synchronicities intensified. One of the monitors had an Ankh with a precious stone wrapped in it hidden beneath his clothing along with other copper jewelry, he waswrapped head to toe. The way I found this out was him showing it to me after I dedicated a sacred space to Anubis in my room. The chances of this were astounding. There were countless synchronicities during my stay, but, to keep this email short (I still need to cover two other trips), I want to move on. I was discharged only to find myself attending therapy at a place ironically named ‘The Pyramid Group.’ I was taken into a private office where they recorded my conversations, and the room displayed authentic African artifacts. These occurrences seemed connected to putting Anubis’s spirit to rest. After I got out of the psych ward I began playing a game called ‘Virus Wars’. I played this intensely for six months. Even got an email from the creator saying I was the first person to beat their game. Shortly after Corona virus hit.
Anyways, I discovered Andrew’s book ‘Dreams of Light’ and shared quotes with people. I remained stable for a while, even capturing what I believed was rock-solid proof for everyone on my dashcam. People still didn’t believe the world was an illusion, despite the evidence in this video:
The incident leading to my second stay, which was involuntary, occurred the day after I went to my basement to meditate on the the Holy Spirit. A few minutes into my meditation, a moth with iridescent wings landed on my finger, which astonished me. I still have no idea where this thing came from or what type of moth it is. The moth eventually flew away, but then I felt an intense, evil energy approaching me, unlike anything I had ever experienced before. The word vampire kept entering my mind. In response, I got pepper spray and sprayed it in the basement then ran upstairs and closed the door.
Concerned about my well-being, my mother visited me the following day. While we were sitting next to each other and talking the cat kept rubbing against her (she usually lo es in the basement), and my mom was petting her. At some point when we were talking my mom rubbed her eye, and pepper spray from the cat got into her eye. I called 911 and an ambulance came and took her to the hospital. Given my unstable mental state at the time, I was acting irrationally and it was assessed that I did this to my mother on purpose which lead to my second involuntary admission to the psychiatric ward.
To illustrate how deeply I had questioned the reality of the world, while in the psychiatric ward, I encountered an individual who claimed to be 97 years old yet looked to be young. He made an unusual claim that consuming ejaculate could be likened to a fountain of youth. Despite my heterosexuality, my complete detachment from the world at the time and my belief in the illusory nature of reality led me to say what ever dude go ahead. Strangely, it wasn’t even the most extreme action I did to show my conviction about the world’s unreality. It’s worth noting that I shared this with my wife when I was released, and she understood it because the state of mind I was in. During that period, I genuinely cared very little about worldly matters, and I was deeply entrenched in a perspective some might label as nihilism, which I later discovered is referred to by some as ‘spiritual bypassing.’
Getting the weird part out of the way and skipping over tons of synchronicities I had there I met someone who claimed to be a time traveler. They drew me a picture and emphasized one word then told me it was crucial that I remember it. In time I understood why this word was crucial. It served as a way to disable a timeline that was trying to be created by humans posing as “Pleiadians.” It’s challenging to explain, so I would direct you to the book ( Amazon.com ) specifically the audio recording at the end of each chapter found here:
Numerous other synchronicities occurred during my stay, but let’s move on. I experienced a period where I had 4-10 realistic lucid dreams every night, and I began to assert that the dream world was more real than our waking reality. My dream characters accurately mirrored events in the waking world. One dream, in particular, stood out, where I met Chronos, the God of Time, it was extremely difficult to reach him but upon landing a wave of ease washed over me and he walked out of a door and hugged me then I woke up.
Following this dream, I encountered a dream where a multitude of people were frozen in time. The level of realism in that dream compared to our world was astounding. Hyperrealistic, highly detailed dreams occurred frequently for me in this time period. Eventually, I suffered another mental breakdown when I started seeing meaning in the rainbow spectrum. I even wore rainbow glasses around and started recording videos on my phone using the glasses to record in the rainbow spectrum. This series of events came to a head when I was jokingly tossing a dog toy in my wife’s direction and I accidently hit her with it. She didn’t believe it was an accident so I went over to a sink in the room and started bashing my head into the faucet and it started bleeding. She left for the night and back to the ward I went.
The third trip was the most profound of all. I encountered someone who I believe was an octopus in a past life, and we had two instances of psychic communication. My thoughts entered her mind, and she heard me. Another cool synchronicity is my mom has a cat named Cleopatra, I believe she invoked Cleopatra to help me. Coincidentally, the hospital had a book rack with a small amount of books and one of them was about Egypt, specifically Cleopatra. Then I received therapy from an African American woman whom I believed had Cleopatra’s spirit with her. I told her this and this she denied it and the wall behind her began to move. I didn’t tell her this but I said enough that my stay got extended.
While in the hospital, I became close to a highly schizophrenic young man who frequently saw aliens in his day to day life walking around with him where ever he would go. He said he always told them to leave him alone. He told me I was the only alien he has ever met in the third dimension after our many discussions that took place. Strangely, I witnessed a piece of frozen light outside a window. I tried everything to make it move, but it remained in place. The young man saw it too and mentioned that he often sees similar phenomena. I believed this light emanated from the beings surrounding him. It is comparable to a bottle cap floating in the air, imagine walking around it in a circle and it doesn’t move at all, it just stays there floating. That’s what happen except it was a piece of solid white light.
The most incredible synchronicity with him occurred while I was shuffling cards. I randomly drew cards, and as I was pulling them out they were all hearts. I got to the fourth one and I had every card needed for a royal flush of hearts except one. He watched me pull the last card out and it completed the royal flush. Talk about an adreline rush. I knew I found pure love on the planet in that moment and that is when I decided to begin defence at all cost. Love always wins and it is best to be on the winning side if you are going to be a spiritual warrior .
These kinds of experiences happened each time I went to the hospital and even in my daily life. The reason I haven’t returned to the psychiatric ward a fourth time is that I’ve learned to keep my experiences to myself, except when talking to my mom. After my last visit, she expressed understanding, and synchronicities began appearing for her too. She’s a lot like me, fully accepting who I am, and I believe she’s on the path to enlightenment. What keeps me sane is my understanding of the path one must take to reach these states. I’ve learned to recognize the reasons behind the misfortunes others experience, and I’ve learned to be neutral in both good and bad experiences that I face, the universe always provides me constant feedback and I’ve learned over time to trust it as my guide. It is perfection.
In closing, have you ever believed you had a private thought? It truly, isn’t true.