which reminded me of this video I watched 2 days ago!
Dearest Beloved;
I invented this Mudra:
Right hand on top of Left, ,
R Thumb pointing toward Heart
L Thumb pointing away from Heart
Fingers interlinking for rest of Fingers
The 2 hands linked as one, hold above the heart, or on chest where Heart is located
Maybe you can name it :
Solar Eclipse Mudra?
Thank you
Thank you for this Grand Slam teaching
tonight I dreamt lucid with myself (a “double gang”), on top of me, putting my hands into my heart while I was lying down in my bed, for it to open! Felt some connection with your Mudra Creation.
Also inspired in the LD I experienced today, I would call it Opening Heart Mudra
how would the breathing be with this one?
yesterday learned a really wonderful meditation exercise…
In breath, visualizing radiant white Ohm on your crown chacra
Hold, visualizing radiant red AH on your throat chacra
Breath out, visualizing radiant blue Hung on your heart chacra.
you also say the mantra inside…
unforgettable! did it again this morning
Only 1% Knows This Secrets | Most Powerful Mudra | Dreams Into Reality
Fingers = Elements
However you wish my Heart.
I dont make the rules, I go with the flow…
Thank you for this
26 Powerful Mudras And How To Use Them
TANTRIC SECRET | 1 MUDRA Attract Divine Energy | 1 Tantric Mudra |
My Heart… today, in a delicate situation, I remembered this video, specifically this Mudra:
Did it standing up, in the street, near a Hospital, with many people around, for about 5 minutes, conscious of my breathing, and squeezing my sphincters. My feeling was that I was being a Vessel for even more light to come in through me, into the space created by the Mudra which was spreading all around! Powerful experience!
Thank you so much Beloved for sharing this piece of Gold with us.