2021: The Year in Review

Top #General Discussion Topics

Most Read

User Topic Hours Read
Does quantum mechanics favor Buddhist philosophy? 14
Physical Injury and Dreams (help?) 11
A Case Against Lucid Dreaming 9
😴 Dream Sharing Group Update 8
Where's Andy K? 8

Most Liked

User Topic Likes
Longchenpa - Finding Rest in Illusion - Chapter 1 - That is Like a Dream - Dzogchen 10

Most Replies

User Topic Replies
Of Luminosity and Light 66
Does quantum mechanics favor Buddhist philosophy? 62
A Case Against Lucid Dreaming 43
Physical Injury and Dreams (help?) 34
Having my second LD: help please! 33

Most Popular

User Topic Score
Where's Andy K? 22
ARTICLE on adverse consequences of meditation, invokes neuroscience 22
Physical Injury and Dreams (help?) 21
The Objective and Specific Nature of Dream Characters 21
😴 Dream Sharing Group Update 21
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